

Knowing, ‘not knowing’

Krishnamurti quote for embracing the unknown
How can I learn and nurture this practice of deep observation which comes so naturally to my 1 year old daughter. Her curiosity brings in this acute awareness of surrounding which I have lost in the process of growing up.
Can I be okay in ‘not knowing’ and thus keep my wonder for what am I going to discover today, alive?

Hope is a Strong Muscle

hope is a strong muscle
Hope and courage are the two things I pray for daily in my practice. Courage to face the realities of my circumstances now, and hope in humanity, hope in present and hope of future. I choose to step into each moment with an intention to strengthen my hope muscle!

When do we find calmness?

zen koan beginners mind
“After the wind stops I see a flower falling. Because of the singing bird I find the mountain calmness.”

Normally I would not understand a Zen kōan so easily but this one instantly hit home.

As the lockdown restrictions ease and slowly the freedoms I took for granted, return, it is invoking a sense of adventure and also finding a calmness that was always there!

Choosing my own colors…

your heart knows the way, rumi
"On a blank sheet of paper, draw or paint your colorful dream for a new world."

When I sat down with my colors, I realized I didn't even allow myself the freedom to choose my own colors. As I challenged my own resistances to paint the sky whichever color I wanted, to paint the mountain whichever color I wanted, it led to opening up of new possibilities and breaking up of a fear to go against the assumed "should"s I live in.

No heat, no mangoes

joy and despair come from same source
I often (all the time!) complaint about the heat. And then I find myself dunking my teeth into a sweet mango and realize that this mango won't be so sweet if it wasn't so hot. It led me to think that most often the source of joy and of despair is mostly the same! Something to ponder upon.

No heat. No mangoes!