Category Reflections

We are One

Connection with nature for all
We often simply "take" things from nature - a deep breath; the shade of a tree; the gentle breeze... What if we make a simple shift from "taking" to "receiving" from nature?

When do we find calmness?

zen koan beginners mind
“After the wind stops I see a flower falling. Because of the singing bird I find the mountain calmness.”

Normally I would not understand a Zen kōan so easily but this one instantly hit home.

As the lockdown restrictions ease and slowly the freedoms I took for granted, return, it is invoking a sense of adventure and also finding a calmness that was always there!

Choosing my own colors…

your heart knows the way, rumi
"On a blank sheet of paper, draw or paint your colorful dream for a new world."

When I sat down with my colors, I realized I didn't even allow myself the freedom to choose my own colors. As I challenged my own resistances to paint the sky whichever color I wanted, to paint the mountain whichever color I wanted, it led to opening up of new possibilities and breaking up of a fear to go against the assumed "should"s I live in.

My intention for the new year

smile cards in park

As we turned the corner and the calendar flipped from 2018 to 2019; everyone around started making resolutions. As someone one said,”there is nothing magical about the year changing but is does provide a clear break; an opportunity to start…

Hello 2019!

Sunset in Namibia
A New Year and a fresh beginning. Moving my blog from a free hosting to self-hosted